Sunday, June 30, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/06/30

DATES: 2013/06/23– 2013/06/30
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

The United States ended the first semester of the year immersed in a complicated political environment: NSA, IRS, the decisions about the Syrian civil war and an economy that cannot take off.

During the last week of the month, President Obama announced a new climate change plan aimed at reducing gas emissions, while the U.S. Supreme Court closed the term with decisions on affirmative action, the Voting Rights Act and same-sex marriage.

President Obama began a tour through three African countries: Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania with the intention to create new commercial links with the Africans and learn directly about the health of Nelson Mandela who is dying in a hospital due to serious breathe problems.

The IRS case continued in the corner but without the virulence of the first days and Mr. Snowden – the NSA’s leaker - arrived to Moscow from Hong Kong without a definitive road to the asylum.

In other news of the week the Senate passed the immigration bill after a long debate about the cost of the border control and the possible “pardon” at 11 million of illegal immigrants.

Now I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections:
- United States
- Europe
- The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)
- Latin America
- Education
- Economy, Business, Technology.

June 30, 2013



PBS – REPORT AIR DATE: June 28, 2013 - Obama Arrives in South Africa Amid Concerns Over Nelson Mandela's Health

Subject: On Saturday, President Obama landed in Johannesburg, South Africa with the concern about the health of former South African President Nelson Mandela who remains hospitalized in very bad condition.

My Comment: The landing of President Obama in Johannesburg, South Africa, looks like the President was planning to say “Bye, bye” to former South African President Nelson Mandela.

We cannot expect something different in this presidential trip to South Africa, a country that is not running well now. (By TWITTER) (2012/06/29)

Subject: U.S. envoy criticizes Hong Kong authorities over the Mr. Snowden’s departure, the NSA’s leaker.

My Comment: Days ago we read that President Obama talking about Mr. Snowden said: "I'm not going to have one case of a suspect who we're trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where I have got to start wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues simply to get a guy extradited..."

However, this story shows the pressure of the
U.S. government's top envoy in Hong Kong who slammed local authorities with anger when they didn't stop Mr. Snowden from leaving.

If this is true, in the moment that President Putin says: "That is enough!", the Russians will catch Mr. Snowden and put him on an airplane directly to Washington, while Ecuadorian President Correa will exclaim: "I feel sorry for this guy, but now I will have a good dinner in Washington with Mr. Obama!" (2013/06/29)

Subject: Ecuadorean government is pondering the Snowden’s asylum.

My Comment: Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa has two options:

1) Receive Mr. Snowden in Quito and continue on the list of Washington’s enemies.

2) Be honored in
Washington DC by Mr. Obama and be added to the list of Washington’s friends. (2013/06/28) 1 Recommendation

PBS - REPORT AIR DATE: June 27, 2013 - Senate Passes Landmark Immigration Reform Bill

Subject: U.S. Senate passed the immigration reform bill.

My Comment: A pardon for 11 million undocumented residents is a "huge" slap in the face of legal immigrants who have walked step by step on the right path to achieve U.S. citizenship. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/28) 1 Recommendation

PBS - REPORT AIR DATE: June 27, 2013 - News Wrap: U.S. Suspends Bangladesh Trade Benefits

Subject: The White House announced the suspension of Bangladesh’s trade benefits due the catastrophes that killed hundreds of workers in the garment factories.

My Comment: Probably, the poor workers of the Bangladesh’s factories never will know that the Obama administration tries to punish the entrepreneurs and government authorities who are responsible for their slave work. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/28)

PBS - REPORT AIR DATE: June 26, 2013 - News Wrap: Border Security Amendment Gets Formal Senate Approval

Subject: The Senate approved the border security amendment of the new immigration reform.

My Comment: The formal approval of the border security amendment to the immigration bill in the Senate is an important step to advance in this conflictive issue.

After four years of continuous disagreements, at least in the immigration bill, Republicans and Democrats are finding common points. Of course, we cannot celebrate till the bill passes the House.

The country needs a new immigration law to fix the mistakes made in the past and to put in a clear way what will be the rules now. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/27)

PBS - REPORT AIR DATE: June 25, 2013 - Obama Moves to Limit Greenhouse Gases Emissions Through Executive Order

Subject: In a speech at Georgetown University, President Obama announced a new climate change plan.

My Comment: We agree that it is necessary to take initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but they have to be common sense initiatives.

Energy and public transportation are two key issues linked with the greenhouse gas emissions, but both require expensive infrastructure changes that have to be planned with the head and a hand in the pocket. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/26) 1 Recommendation



Subject: The European Parliament made a big complaint against the NSA because they say the United States is spying on Europe.

My Comment: Now everybody is against the National Security Agency, but the European Parliament has more important problems on their agenda than the possible cyber-espionage of the NSA.

During the last few years,
Europe has been invaded by people from Islamic countries who walk on the street with the face covered like in the capitals of the Muslims countries and nobody knows who they are.

From the other side, on squares and public places, frequently it is possible to see individuals with a suspicious attitude and the police has been forced to control their identity, due to crimes and stealing are increasing in an alarming way. 2013/06/30)
8 Recommendations


THE WORLD (Asia, Middle East, Africa…)

Subject: Again the unrest is growing in Egypt and a lot of protesters go to the street asking for President Morsi to resign.

My Comment: Now all the defenders of the Arab Spring are learning how this revolution is destroying the country and creating division among the population.

After a long period ruling the country, during the last few years, President Mubarak made a series of the mistakes that ended with his government, but President Mohammed Morsi from his "start" is acting with irrationality, violence and all the “tricks” of dictatorships.

Is this the paradise of the Islamic democracy or the “Inferno” of the religious extremist regimes? (2013/06/29)

Subject: In the light of the last events, some political analysts say the Turkish Prime Minister is not a democrat leader despite he was elected by voting of the population.

My Comment: The question “What Mr. Erdogan is: democrat or autocrat?” has only one clear answer. The current Turkish prime minister is an autocrat.

Mr. Erdogan doesn’t accept dissent and he reacts with violence against the people of his country who complain about his attitude.

Frequently, to make a judgment about a politician we have to research his biography. If we read a little about the political career of Mr. Erdogan from the moment that he was
Istanbul major we can assert that he is not democratic. (2013/06/27) 1 Recommendation

Subject: While the former President Nelson Mandela is very sick in the hospital, the media talks about his long fight against discrimination in South Africa and his followers pray for his health.

My Comment: We can agree or not with the beliefs of Nelson Mandela, but we have to honor him for his fight against discrimination and injustice.

He is not only a hero of South Africa. He is a “champion” of the crowds of individuals who battle for the dignity of human beings across the world. (2013/06/27) 4 Recommendations

Subject: After the last declarations of President Karzai related to the possible peace conversations between Taliban and NATO, the Taliban made a strong attack on the Afghan Presidential Palace.

My Comment: The Taliban’s coordinated attack on the Afghan presidential palace is an important warning.

They showed President Hamid Karzai that they have the tactical capabilities to shake the core of his power when the Americans leave the country.

The Afghan President will have to think twice before acting like the previous week. (2013/06/25) 1 Recommendation



Subject: The Brazilians continue claiming for the rights of the middle-class and complaining about the corruption of government institutions of this South American country.

My Comment: The failure of governments to meet the rising expectations of the middle-class is the consequence of the high level of corruption and demagoguery of the authorities.

The politicians appeal to emotion and prejudices, while they manipulate the population in the way they want according to their personal ambitions. Nobody (or nearly nobody) has patriotism. (2013/06/29) 11 Recommendations

Subject: Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff tries to calm the protests with new laws and the support of lawmakers.

My Comment: Brazil like other Latin American countries will not solve their problems with new legislation if they don’t cut the corruption from its roots and manage the public function with efficiency.

But the problem is the politicians don’t want to cut the corruption from its roots because they lose their privileges and extras, and they have to work with decency.

Since President Dilma Rousseff assumed the Brazilian presidency, we learned through the newspapers about a series of corruptions linked with her cabinet and ministers. (2013/06/27)



PBS - ANALYSIS AIR DATE: June 24, 2013 - Supreme Court Sends Texas Affirmative Action Case Back to Lower Court

Subject: The Supreme Court sends the Texas affirmative action case to the Lower Court for its resolution.

This case is about using race as a factor in the admission of students in the University of Texas.

My Comment: The decision of the Supreme Court to send back the Texas Affirmative Action Case to the Lower Court opened the case.

According to the elements that we see, if the University of Texas continues using race as a factor in selecting some of its students, it is possible new discrimination claims that have to be solved by the Lower Court.

In brief, the Supreme Court doesn't want to change the previous legislation about affirmative action. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/30)



Subject: Apple Inc is looking for a way to cut its commercial relationships with Samsung Electronic because one of the most important providers of components is also its worse rival.

My Comment: In the current circumstances, the situation of Apple buying components produced by Samsung is very risky.
Apple always was an innovative leader that opens "roads" in the technology arena, while Samsung is an aggressive company that learns by observing the initiatives from others.

If Apple has to share some of its secrets about the components that it is assembling in its devices because Samsung produces these components, of course the Korean supplies maker has a lot of elements to be a formidable rival of Apple.
On the other hand, it is not easy to cut relationships with someone that every day is working for you. This kind of divorce implies investing in the development of new suppliers. This is money, time and other risks. (2013/06/29) 4 Recommendation

Subject: The father of BlackBerry posted losses in the first quarter of its new fiscal year.

The negative figures came after Research In Motion introduced BlackBerry 10, its new smart-phone with advanced features.

But according to the news, the Canadian company complained because it had some financial problems related to its business in Venezuela that put restrictions on the transactions of foreign companies.

My Comment: After the series of delays in the delivery of the new BlackBerry 10 in the American market, Research In Motion lost credibility. Meanwhile, Galaxy from Samsung strengthened its position everywhere.

Now the figures show the results of the mismanagement of the BlackBerry’s father. (2013/06/28) 3 Recommendations

Subject: Google is planning to enter into a new business. The Internet leader is building game consoles based on its Android operating systems.

My Comment: Google is like God. It is everywhere.

But sometimes, after it attracts more people to its worship, it forgets about them. (2013/06/28)

Subject: Different companies began the development of underwater drones for multiple operations due to the recent success in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for scientific, commercial and surveillance missions.

My Comment: Probably, the underwater drones could be a weapon to fight against pirates who capture ships on the oceans. (2013/06/26)

Subject: During the first quarter of the current year, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the United States grew lower than previous expectations.

My Comment: The gross domestic product of the first quarter 2013 is a “mirror” of the poor financial reports posted by the companies for the period January thru March.

Last April and May when the majority of the companies published their revenues and net incomes for the Wall Street’s investors we saw disappointed figures in the majority of the cases.
Also one of the key players of recent times - Apple - reflected a decline in the sales of smart-phones and digital devices on the domestic market. (2013/06/26)

Subject: Barnes & Noble is again in trouble because its classic business of bookstores is flat and the Nook’s sales don’t work well.

The Nook division produces e-books and digital tablets.

According to some information sources, B&N will stop the production of color tablets.
My Comment: Barnes & Noble continues losing time. It must redefine its business looking for its own relocation in the new digital era.

B&N never managed the Nook business in the way to produce revenues through the sales of electronic books and contents. This was their mistake.

Probably, in less than 5 years the sales of paper books will collapse completely because of the new generation of readers who like to read stories and other contents on a digital screen (or monitor), and the smart-phones, digital tablets and notebooks are giving them the right framework to change from paper to e-paper (electronic paper).

When you begin to read a digital screen, you realize that is easy and on a small device you can carry the content of very heavy paper books without any problem. It is more flexible and you have additional benefits.

Despite the financial problems that Barnes & Noble had lived in the last few years, its Chairman, Leonard Riggio hasn't learned the lesson of the digital world. (2013/06/25) 1 Recommendation



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS NewsHour

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects: TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/06/23

DATES: 2013/06/16– 2013/06/23
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

The previous week began with the G-8 summit in North Ireland where President Obama and President Putin had a bitter dialogue about the Syrian civil war.

During the G-8 meeting, President Putin argued against the European countries and US for the support they give to the Syrian rebels.

Meanwhile, the results of the Iran’s voting turned on a small light of “hope” about the foreign politics of this country. Hassan Rohani - a moderate clergyman - won the presidency. Mr.Rohani in 2004 suggested a deal with the western countries about the Iranian nuclear project.

After that, President Obama traveled to Berlin, Germany. From the Brandenburg Gate, the American President offered to Russia an agreement to reduce the nuclear arsenals. Mr. Obama spoke from the same place where before Presidents Kennedy and Reagan shook the world with famous speeches related to the Cold War and the Berlin Wall. The President Obama's speech didn't produce the same echo that the statements of his predecessors.

In other news of the last days, United Kingdom ordered Google to delete Internet user data or face criminal proceedings. Through the “Maps” system, the Internet leader has caught a lot of information that some countries think is private.

U.S. prosecutors filed criminal charges against Edward Snowden and asked Hong Kong for his arrest. The former employee of a NSA’s contractor left the Chinese territory with a temporary stop in Russia.

Also during the week, the Immigration Reform generated a lot of debate, in special because the Republican Senator Marco Rubio has proposed an amendment requiring immigrants applying for green cards have to be proficient in English and pass a civics test.

Now I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections:
- G8 and Berlin speech,
- Criminal charges against NSA leaker
- U.S. Immigration Reform,
- United States
- Europe
- The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)
- Latin America
- Education
- Economy, Business, Technology.

June 23, 2013



Sequence of main comments posted about the G8 Summit and President Obama’s speech in Germany.

Subject: The pictures posted for the media in relation to the dialogue between Presidents Obama and Putin showed graphic signals of the differences between both leaders.

Comment: The picture of the story shows President Obama and President Putin like a couple in the middle of a divorce. (2013/06/17) 10 Recommendations

Subject: The American and Russian leaders agreed in the development of a peace conference.

My Comment: This story remarks that “Messrs. Obama and Putin each said they agreed on the need for negotiations”.

The last events show that both leaders look uninterested in an immediate solution to the Syrian civil war. (2013/06/18)

Subject: The main subject among all the participants of the G-8 summit - U.K. Japan, Germany, France, Russia, U.S., Canada, Italia and EU - was Syria, but they did not achieve common conclusions.

My Comment: The G8 summit in Northern Ireland finished worse than it started. It was a waste of time. (2013/06/18) 2 Recommendations

PBS - REPORT AIR DATE: June 18, 2013 - News Wrap: At G-8Summit, Leaders Press for Syrian Peace Talks

Subject: Mr. Putin was isolated at the G-8 Summit due to his position.
My Comment: At the G-8 Summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin talking about the weapon supplies for the armed Syrian opposition said “...what will happen with those weapons later?”

He believes U.S. and Europe do not have the right to provide weapons to the rebels, but Russia has the right to provide weapons to the Syrian regime.

With this attitude Mr. Putin cannot participate in a peace talk. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/19)

Subject: Despite the disagreement in the G-8 Summit, President Obama proposed a new phase in nuclear-arms cuts.

My Comment: If the others don’t put in the "trash" their nuclear-arms, and we do, we will be the losers.

China continues deploying more military infrastructures and North Korea, Iran and others are pushing to be members of the Nuclear Club, any conversation to propose the cutting of nuclear-arms doesn’t make sense. (2013/06/19) 3 Recommendations

Subject: President Obama visited Berlin, where he was received by the authorities of the country and the city with a lot of honors, but his main activity was the speech at the Brandenburg Gate.

My Comment: The visit of President Obama to Berlin was only a symbolic visit with a lot of History behind it, but nothing more.

Now the American President has a lot of problems at home to try to preach “Peace With Justice” in the international arena.

It could be different if from the Brandenburg Gate, President Obama and President Putin talk simultaneously showing a compromise about the nuclear weapons reduction in front the witnesses of that event.

But after the cold dialogue between the Russian and American leaders in North Ireland, it doesn't look like Mr. Putin will pay attention to the offer of Mr. Obama from Berlin.

More, we think that the Brandenburg Gate's event was a lost opportunity to take a step ahead. (2013/06/20) 1 Recommendation



Subject: U.S. prosecutors charged Mr. Snowden for the leaking of secret information of the U.S.

My Comment: Everyone is angry with the National Security Agency, but the U.S. prosecutors cannot say: “Mr. Snowden, we will give you a “pardon” because you have unveiled a horrible secret”.

Meanwhile, we have to learn to fix the problems of our battered democracy through the institutions and instruments that we have. (2013/06/22) 10 Recommendations

Subject: The former contractor of NSA left Hong Kong after U.S. asked this Chinese territory for his arrest.

My Comment: Edward Snowden continues playing the game of “hide-and-seek”. If he goes to Ecuador, probably President Correa has a place for him next to Julian Assange.

Last year, the founder of WikiLeaks received asylum in

Explanation: In this case the meaning of the expression “hide-and-seek” implies that when somebody looks for you in a place, you move to another place in the way that never they can catch you till you find the best refuge for you. (2013/06/23) 4 Recommendations



PBS - DEBATE AIR DATE: June 21, 2013 - Should Immigrants Be Required to Learn English? – Part 1

Subject: The question related to learn English proposed by Senator Marco Rubio produced diverse reactions.

My Comment: It is important that immigrants who apply for a Green Card and Citizenship study English and also they have to learn basic knowledge about American culture and history. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/23) – 10 Recommendations.

PBS - DEBATE AIR DATE: June 21, 2013 - Should Immigrants Be Required to Learn English? – Part 2

My Comment answering to someone who thinks that normally the non-citizens know about American culture and history more than the citizens: Thank you for your comment. I agree that some non-citizens know more than the native citizens about American culture and history, but this is because these persons have a strong cultural foundation or put forth effort to learn about America due to different factors: profession, business, trips, special studies or curiosity.

Nevertheless, a lot of immigrants who apply for Citizenship don’t know the name of the capital of the country or basic principles of the American constitution.

American culture and history has to be a “requisite” in the integration process of a non-American and its study has to be compulsory for everybody who applies for citizenship.

About Americans who are natives of the country and they don’t know about American culture and history, this is another subject… (By TWITTER) (2013/06/23)

PBS - DEBATE AIR DATE: June 21, 2013 - Should Immigrants Be Required to Learn English? – Part 3

My Comment answering to somebody who thinks the current citizenship test is enough for citizenship and disagrees with other requirements for the green card: Okay, but some immigrants who apply for citizenship don’t know the minimum questions to pass the test: capital of country, capital of the state where they live, the rights of the First Amendment of the Constitution and other key principles of your nation. And when they prepare the test, they learn the answers like “parrots”.

It is not only to repeat an answer of the Civil (History and Government) Questions for the Naturalization Test as a "parrot".

We don't need more "parrots" in the United States. We need more "good citizens" who understand their obligations like their rights.

They have to understand what implies “democracy” in the United States. Some of the immigrants come from countries where the concept of “democracy” is a “mask” of a dictatorship or demagoguery.

In a lot of the Latin American countries, the presidents change their constitutions every time they want to continue in power (Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina...). We find similar cases across East Europe, Africa and Asia. In all these cases, the president (or executive power) buys the votes of Congress (legislative power) for an amendment of the constitution through corrupt procedures and also they change the justices and judges of court when they refuse to follow their demands.

Our democracy is not perfect, but in the United States, the president can not continue in power after his second term. Also the Supreme Court is really an independent power where frequently we find justices who argue against the executive power. And in Congress, there are rules about how the majority and opposition have to work.

Also in US, you go to jail if after you make a traffic infraction you put 2 dollars in the pocket of the police officer and you continue making infractions in the next corner. In Mexico DF, the driver of the company that was my host when I visited that country solved a serious traffic infraction with 2 Mexican pesos. And when I complained, he answered me that every time he has traffic problems solve them in this way.
If we want to be a better country we have to work in the way that citizenship will be an “award” for the people who deserve to be named U.S. citizens. We don’t have to import criminals like the suspected Boston bombers or the 9/11 extremists. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/23)



PBS - ANALYSIS AIR DATE: June 21, 2013- Shields and Brooks on Farm Bill Failure.

Subject: Weekly political analysis between the journalists Mark Shields and David Brooks, in this case about the Farm Bill failure.

My Comment: Mark Shields in the weekly political analysis said the “House is out of control”.

Today the problem is not only the “gap” between Republicans and Democrats. It shows also the division among Republicans. The farm bill failure displays again that Congress is full of "cracks". (By TWITTER) 2013/06/22

PBS – UPDATE AIR DATE: June 14, 2013 - Six Months AfterNewtown, Battle Over Gun Control Continues

Subject: After the defeat that the gun control bill suffered in the Senate, again some groups try to revive this project.

My Comment: The battle over gun control never will have an end. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/17)



Subject: Russian authorities are acting against the non-government organizations that work through the country despite the complaints of the international community.

My Comment: The “methods” will not change because the international community shouts and complains. (2013/06/22)

Subject: Finance ministers of the European Union continue debating about new rules for troubled banks.

My Comment: The EU Finance ministers continue discussing new rules for the troubled banks without agreement on the core issues.

According to the news, the crucial point is: “how much discretion to leave in the hands of national authorities”.

The complete group of the euro-zone is very heterogeneous and the majority of the members will not respect rigid rules.

We think a rigid centralized system is more vulnerable than a flexible system where the national authorities have to assume the responsibilities of their decisions.

With this criterion, when anybody makes a mistake, he has to fix the problem without crying as an unconscious teenager, asking for assistance from the EU authorities. (2013/06/22)

Subject: President François Hollande rushed to Lourdes to see personally the damages of the flooding.

My Comment: The news says that their own President François Hollande rushed to Lourdes to offer aid from the French government due to the flooding that damaged the holy shrine that in summer is visited by millions of Catholic pilgrims.

Will he rush in the same way for others? (2013/06/21)

PBS - REPORT AIR DATE: June 17, 2013 - News Wrap: U.K. Government Reportedly Hacked Email, Calls of Foreign Diplomats

Subject: During the G-8 Summit it was unveiled that before the organization of this meeting the British intelligence hacked emails and calls of foreign diplomats involved in the preparation of the event.

My Comment: We don't see the reason why the host of an international meeting has to spy on its guests.

If this news is true, British intelligence has to give an explanation why it has hacked into electronic mails and phone calls of foreign leaders. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/18)


THE WORLD: Asia, Middle East, Africa

Subject: Ms. Akhter, one of the survivors of the collapsed Rana Plaza garment-factory, comments about the terrible experience when she was trapped under the broken concrete of the building.

My Comment: The paycheck of $90 to $100 a month cannot heal the drama of Ms. Akhter after she was trapped under the broken concrete of the Rana Plaza garment-factory for many long days.

All the survivors and dead workers in the collapse of
Rana Plaza and the burned factories are victims of cruel reality: poverty. (2013/06/22) 3 Recommendations

PBS - REPORT AIR DATE: June 21, 2013 - News Wrap: Monsoon Ravages Northern India

Subject: A monsoon storm in India left hundreds of deaths and damage.

My Comment: The news says that “nearly 600 people have died in Northern India as a result of a monsoon.”

The toll of deaths is high but we have to remember that normally natural disasters that hit India produce big losses in human beings due to the misery of the poor population of this country. (By TWITTER) 2013/06/22



Subject: The protests of the middle-class in Brazil are a hard lesson for the people who believe in leftist populist leaders of Latin America.

My Comment: This is the lesson that we have to learn from the Marxist and terrorist leaders when they become the government.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, former Marxist guerrilla and member of leftist Workers Party, is expending a huge amount of money for the World Cup and the Olympics, while the people claim their taxes don’t result in schools and hospitals.

The case of Ms. Rousseff is not unique. Across
Latin America we have other similar cases. All these leaders work for the own benefit and "personal glory" without a care for the people they represent.

Again this is a fake image of ideals that only remain in dusty pamphlets of the political campaigns. (2013/06/19)

Subject: Brazilians claim against the government negligence about the needs of the population.

My Comment: When Dilma Rousseff became Brazilian President, she lost the opportunity to work for the people.

She knew that a huge country like
Brazil needs more schools, hospitals and social infrastructures to continue growing in a balanced way. But she used the money of the government for fantastic and corrupt projects.

Now she has no arguments to go against the people because they are complaining against corruption and bad politics like when she was the opposition. (2013/06/22) 3 Recommendations

Subject: Some polls show the illegal immigration of Mexicans to the U.S. declined recently due to some economic improvements of this country.

My Comment: Mexico is a country with potential to become a great nation due to its strategic geopolitical location and the richness of its natural resources, but it has serious chronic sicknesses:

- A big poor social class

- Extended corruption in its government and security institutions

- Dangerous gangs in the dealing of drugs, guns and human beings.

During decades, the massive illegal immigration to the U.S. was the consequence of the high level of criminality (including corruption) and the serious social gap for the Mexicans. (2013/06/21) 1 Recommendation



PBS - CONVERSATION AIR DATE: June 19, 2013 - Report Argues U.S. Is Neglecting, Undervaluing Education in the Humanities

Subject: A report argues about the undervaluing education in the humanities.

My Comment: The education of the humanities is very important to "carve"
the personality of political, business and social leaders but it doesn’t generate direct incomes.

The humanities don’t give specific tools to produce immediate economic results.
For this reason, in general, the current world undervalues this kind of education. (By TWITTER) 2013/06/22

PBS - ANALYSIS AIR DATE: June 18, 2013 - Are Teachers Being Adequately Trained for the Classroom? Study Says No

Subject: A study of the National Council on Teacher Quality says the training of the new teachers is low, but the methodology used for the analysis was only partial.

My Comment: The National Council on Teacher Quality says the new teachers are not adequately trained for class after a study of 600 American schools across the country.

First question: Is 600 schools, a large enough sample to make conclusions about all the American schools?

Second question: What are the evaluations made to determine that a teacher is or not is trained for in class?

The report says that the members of the Council “didn’t go to campuses, they didn’t sit in on classes, they didn’t have participation.” They only read course catalogs and syllabi.

Education is a very complex subject. We cannot make negative statements through partial views of the whole universe with this kind of methodology. (By TWITTER) 2013/06/22



Subject: United Kingdom prosecutors are forcing Google to delete user data that they consider private.

My Comment: Probably, Google knows more about us than the data the National Security Agency has in its databases. (2013/06/23)

Subject: During the last few days, Samsung Electronics introduced a reduced version of Galaxy S4 named S4 Mini and two digital tablets running Microsoft Windows 8.

The new smart-phone S4 Mini runs over the Android operating system.

My Comment: Samsung looks very nervous and worried because Galaxy 4 doesn’t generate the expected revenues before its introduction. But its small brother– S4 Mini – is a “double edge knife”. Probably it will cut sales of their own Galaxy 4. (2013/06/22)

Subject: In an aeronautical exhibition held in Paris, France, the Russians military aircrafts were the main attraction.

My Comment: It is natural that the people from the Western World want to know more about the current Russian technology for war.

In the last years of the Cold War, a lot of literature from the West said the Russians were behind
U.S. and Europe in technology despite the advanced knowledge of their universities in mathematics and sciences.

After that, we learned that during the last decades, the Russians bought advanced computers and developed huge information systems across all the country. Frequently IBM comments details of the recent implementations. (2013/06/21) 2 Recommendations

Subject: The Federal Aviation Administration is relaxing rules for electronic gadgets used in flight.

Comment: Security is very important, but the authorities have to relax rules that are possible and stop treating everybody as a criminal. (2013/06/21) 3 Recommendations

Subject: Recently, some famous American bridges were repairing with steel made in China due to its cost is less than the American.

My Comment: The news says that the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge was repaired with steel made in China.

Now we will have a new argument when our bridges made with Chinese steel collapse. (2013/06/20)

Subject: Microsoft is exploring the acquisition of Nokia, Finnish mobile company that continues with a lot of financial problems.

My Comment: Microsoft has to focus on its own business and doesn't pretend to resuscitate other companies with a lot of financial problems. (2013/06/20)

PBS - CONVERSATION AIR DATE: June 17, 2013 - Should the Government Pay for Information It Collects About Its Citizens?

Subject: Janon Lanier -author of “Who Owns the Future?” - criticizes the way that the digital networks take as their own data, the data of the real creators and owners of contents.

He also suggests that the government pays for information it collect about its citizens.
Mr. Lanier is a guru of the technology industry.

My Comment: The book “Who Owns the Future?” shows a cruel reality. The digital networks have positive and negative effects.

It is true that the digital networks concentrate power in the hands of the owners of the networks and frequently destroy the value of the effort of the small creators and independent professionals, killing the real intellectual minds.

The concept associated with some massive digital networks that all the information “for free” is only good for lazy people who want to live off others, stealing computer programs, information, music, videos, knowledge and ideas.

Specially, we have to revalue intellectual work if we don’t want our "brains" to die starving. (By TWITTER) (2013/06/19)

Subject: Now a microchip is used for the testing of asthma drugs instead of rats.

My Comment: We have to see if the new asthma drugs don’t have negative side effects.  We don’t believe a microchip will solve this problem.

In general, the most effective medicines for asthma attacks help to surpass the crisis but generate other problems in your body. Also they produce a deep depression and you feel sad, unhappy and deplorable.

The best way to reduce my asthmatic disease is through the systematic practice of physical activities like swimming, bicycle and also hiking. We have to re-educate our body and live a disciplined life.

The medicines should be used only for emergencies or chronic asthma attacks! (2013/06/18)

My Comment answering to another member who says her asthma problems are different to the others: Each body is different and asthma attacks are produced by the combination of a series of internal and external factors that vary depending on the asthmatic person.

For this reason, we cannot expect magic solutions through lab experiments with rats or microchips.

Every asthmatic has to manage their asthma to prevent their asthma from driving their life.” (2013/06/18)

Subject: Huawei Technology is introducing new smart-phones in London, UK with the intention to spread its market share across the world.

My Comment: Huawei Technologies is a very aggressive company that knows what it wants and it has the capability to defeat rivals with a long trajectory in the industry.

For this reason, this announcement of the new Ascend P6 in
London will produce a buzz across the world.

Apple and Samsung have to protect their “backs” if they don’t want Huawei jump over both to achieve the top of the hill. (2013/06/17) 1 Recommendation



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.
